Mission Women in Need Growing Stronger (WINGS) youth center is to educate and empower women and youth with the skills and confidence necessary to get a job, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and be self-sufficient. Wings Youth Center provides programs to the under-served youth.
Women In Need Growing Stronger has expanded our organization to three states. Indianapolis, Indiana is our corporate headquarters, with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
Since 2000, WINGS Program has focuses on the needs of women and children in our community and provides resources to build a better live. Mainly we work with women that are detaching from domestic violence. Our program provides support and encouragement for women who are redefining their lives and exploring new opportunities for personal and professional development. In 2010 we integrated our youth programs; a summer fun physical fitness camp to help combat obesity and after-school program to enrich and empower students through the Arts. We want to help families make healthy living… nutrition a Lifestyle; teaching healthy living through fitness/diet and the arts.
Women Programs Culinary training: Designed to give those with no experience an opportunity to learn a new career skill and gain employment as a prep cook or other basic kitchen position in one of Philadelphia most dynamic industries. Training includes 6-weeks hands-on food preparation and classroom instruction. Women learn food preparation, sanitation and food service operations. We provide the necessary skills to be successful in the food service industry.
Job Readiness Classes: Participants engage in 4-week of intensive instruction, during which they break down personal barriers to employment, obtain new job skills, develop resumes and practice interviewing techniques. While classroom exercises mainly occur in a group setting to nurture teamwork and interpersonal skills, Adult Workforce staff meets one-on-one with each participant throughout the four weeks to map out potential career pathways, provide resume critiques, or offer moral support.
The STARS program is a Summer and Fall after-school program for youth; who otherwise would not be exposed to scheduled physical fitness and healthy eating practices to deter childhood obesity and be introduced and explore their talent through theatrical Arts camp. We are committed is to making healthy living a Lifestyle.
Fall Arts Program -Enriching and Empowering lives through theatrical Arts. Fall Arts Camp- is a 5-week after-school program that students attend class/rehearsal one Saturday per week for 5-weeks for 6-hour a day with a rotation schedule of dance, voice, acting and technical training. The classes are taught by educators and other trained professionals will teach middle and high school-aged youth participants all aspects of theatrical production and performance, including set design, costume design, lighting and sound production, stage management, stage crew skills, directing, acting, and vocal production and performance.